Pro-Tour Reports
Pro-Tour NY Report Card (5-31-97)
Pro-Tour NY Report Card '98 (4-21-98)
The Pro-Tour Report Card was an invention of mine and I had great
hopes for it. I was going to do a report card every year the tour came to New York.
But I was so dis-heartened by Pro-Tour NJ (called Pro-Tour NY '99), that I could just not
bring myself to write one. I think this was also the same time I was writing the first version
of Neutral Ground Online, so I guess I did not have a whole lot of time. I've always been sad that
no one else picked up on the report card format.
Team Challenge (4-98)
The Team Challenge was an invite only tournament run by dojo founder Frank Kusumoto. on the last day of the
Pro-Tour. Having written a number of reports for the dojo I was able to convince Frank to let me
field a team. I got a bunch of Neutral Ground regulars (and the unstopable Mikey P.) to play on
my 4 man team. We did great, in fact we did not make the finals only because of some bizzar
tie-breaking scheme invented on the spot to solve the problem of 4 person teams and only 3 rounds.
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